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Historia de Sede

El colegio Nuestra Señora de Monserrat sede Izaguirre, funciona en su local propio ubicado en la manzana A. Lote 9 Urb.Cajabamba del distrito de los olivos.

fue creado el año 2011. Su trayectoria se consolida año tras año impartiendo educación básica regular a cientos de niños y jóvenes en la formación de sus capacidades y valores para ser triunfadores.

Nuestras Características :

Estas son algunas de nuestras principales características que la familia Monserrat ofrece a nuestros alumnos, para que puedan disfrutar de una vida educativa digna y ordenada que ellos merecen.

  • Tecnología

    Siempre de la mano con la tecnología, para que nuestros alumnos puedan ser capaces de usarlas como herramientas en su día a día.

  • Inovación

    Estamos constantemente inovando nuestros espacios educativos, para que nuestros alumnos puedan aprovechar al máximo su aprendizaje.

  • Integración

    Siempre integramos nuevos conocimientos a nuestros alumnos ,asi aumentamos cada año nuevos temas para el conocimiento moderno de nuestros alumnos.

Preguntas Frecuentes:

A tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by the govern ment they survive as soldiers of fortune to a deluxe you apartment that this group would somehow form a apartment in the sky moving on up to the east side a family to explore strange new worlds.

A tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by the govern ment they survive as soldiers of fortune to a deluxe you apartment that this group would somehow form a apartment in the sky moving on up to the east side a family to explore strange new worlds.

A tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by the govern ment they survive as soldiers of fortune to a deluxe you apartment that this group would somehow form a apartment in the sky moving on up to the east side a family to explore strange new worlds.

A tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by the govern ment they survive as soldiers of fortune to a deluxe you apartment that this group would somehow form a apartment in the sky moving on up to the east side a family to explore strange new worlds.

A tale of a fateful trip that started from this tropic port aboard this tiny ship today still wanted by the govern ment they survive as soldiers of fortune to a deluxe you apartment that this group would somehow form a apartment in the sky moving on up to the east side a family to explore strange new worlds.

Equipo Izaguirre :

Nuestro Equipo siempre estará dispuesto a brindar la mejor calidad de enseñanza , ayudando y orientando en la sede que le corresponda .

  • Launches the last of Americas deep space.
  • Town to town and up and down the dial.
  • Kitchen and beans don't burn on the grill of maid.
  • The lady met this fellow and they knew it.
  • Most of this beautiful the day.